Orange Pop

All parts made by Amanda Brezzell

Part 2 of 4 in Series 2023

Collage done on acrylic painted background. Made with photo and recycled paper, and marigold confetti. Cast in resin on canvas. 12in x 16in


 Orange Pop is part two in The Flowers that Bloomed Anyway Series. This series is inspired by the flowers I grew in 2022. Just one year after record breaking flooding, Detroit experienced a months-long drought. The heat nearly killed all of my flower crops, but my marigolds survived. I preserved the marigolds by adding their pigment to the paint and decorating the canvas. The drought was not experienced elsewhere, because although Michigan is a climate haven, Detroit is a heat island. Orange Pop is named after the Faygo Pop flavor and showcases a similar color scheme. I was inspired by how hot it was that summer, and the time I craved a glass of water, but received a bottle of orange pop instead. The technology depicted hydrates the body by fresh clean water from air. 



